Useful Apps

Useful Apps

These mobile apps are recommended for installation:
  1. PacSana Configurator – required for setting up gateways.
  2. Wi-Fi Analyzer   measures Wi-Fi signal strength to optimise gateway locations.
  3. Thingsup BLE Scanner  measures the signal strength of the PacSana bracelet when optimising gateway locations.
  4. TP Link Tether configure a Wi-Fi extender if the signal strength is too weak. The TP-Link  AC750 device is recommended.

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    • Installer Instructions

      Please find instructions below which are optimised for a smart phone.
    • Troubleshooting steps

      The bracelet is out of range in some rooms Place the bracelet at the gateway. Using the Thingsup BLE Beacon Scanner app, check adjacent rooms. If the Pacsana bracelet is not shown or the signal strength is below -90dBm, e.g. -95dBm, then coverage is ...